How to Change Wifi Password If You Forgot It?

As a tech blogger, if you find yourself in a situation where you have forgotten your Wi-Fi password, here is a step-by-step guide to help you change it:

1. Access your router’s settings: Connect your device (laptop or smartphone) to the router’s network. Launch a web browser and enter the router’s default IP address in the address bar. Typically, this IP address is something like or Refer to the router’s manual or search online for the specific IP address for your router model.

2. Log in to your router’s admin page: Once you’ve accessed the router settings page, you’ll typically be prompted to enter a username and password. These credentials vary depending on your router brand and model. Check the manual or search online for the default login credentials. If you have previously changed the login details, use those instead.

3. Locate the Wi-Fi settings: Once logged in, navigate to the Wireless or Wi-Fi settings section. These settings are usually found under a tab or menu option labeled “Wireless,” “Wi-Fi settings,” or something similar.

4. Find your Wi-Fi password: Look for a section titled “Security,” “Wireless Security,” or similar. Your Wi-Fi password, also known as the pre-shared key or security key, will be displayed there. It might be masked with asterisks for security purposes.

5. Change your Wi-Fi password: To change your Wi-Fi password, select the option to edit or modify the password field. You can change it to a new password of your choice. Make sure to choose a strong and unique password to enhance your network’s security.

6. Save the changes: After entering the new password, locate the “Save,” “Apply,” or “Save Changes” button on the page. Click on it to save your new Wi-Fi password.

7. Reconnect devices: Once the changes are saved, all devices that were connected to the Wi-Fi network will be disconnected. You’ll need to reconnect them using the new password.

It’s worth noting that these instructions provide a general overview, and the specific steps may vary depending on your router’s make and model. If you encounter any difficulties during the process, refer to your router’s manual or contact your Internet Service Provider for assistance.

Remember to store your Wi-Fi password in a secure location to avoid forgetting it again. You can use a password manager application or write it down in a secure place.

Video Tutorial:How do you find out what your Wi-Fi password is if you forgot?

How do I change my Wi-Fi password with my phone?

To change your Wi-Fi password using your phone, follow these steps:

1. Connect to the Wi-Fi: Ensure that your phone is connected to the Wi-Fi network for which you want to change the password. You need to be connected to the network to access the necessary settings.

2. Access your router settings: Open a web browser on your phone and enter the IP address of your router in the URL bar. The IP address is usually printed on the router itself or can be found in the router’s manual. Common IP addresses are or Press Enter to access the router’s web-based control panel.

3. Enter login credentials: You’ll be prompted to enter your router’s username and password. If you haven’t changed them before, you can find default login information either on the router or in the documentation. Enter the username and password to log in.

4. Locate the Wi-Fi settings: Once logged in, look for the Wireless or Wi-Fi settings section in the router’s control panel. It may vary depending on the router brand and model. Explore the menus or consult the router’s manual if you’re having trouble finding it.

5. Change the Wi-Fi password: Within the Wi-Fi settings, you should find an option to change the Wi-Fi password. It may be listed as “Password,” “Security Key,” or similar. Enter your new desired password, making sure to choose a secure and memorable one. Avoid using easily guessable information such as your name or address.

6. Apply the changes: After entering the new password, save or apply the changes within the router’s control panel. The option to do so might be labeled as “Save,” “Apply,” or “Submit.” The router will process the changes and apply the new password.

7. Reconnect your devices: Once the new password is applied, you will need to reconnect all your devices to the Wi-Fi network using the updated password. Go to the Wi-Fi settings on your phone, select the network, and enter the new password when prompted.

Remember that the steps may slightly vary depending on your phone’s operating system and router brand. The general process should remain similar regardless of these factors.

How do I find my Wi-Fi username and password without resetting it?

Finding your Wi-Fi username and password without resetting it can be done by following these steps:

1. Check your Wi-Fi router: Most Wi-Fi routers have a label on the back or bottom that displays the default username and password. If you haven’t changed these details, they should still be applicable. Look for fields such as “SSID” for the username and “Password” or “Key” for the password.

2. Access the router settings: Open a web browser on a device that is connected to your Wi-Fi network and enter the IP address of your router in the address bar. The default IP address is often printed on the router label as well. Common IP addresses are or Press Enter to access the router settings page.

3. Log in to the router: Once you are on the router settings page, you will typically be prompted to enter a username and password to log in. Use the default credentials that you found on the router label or any custom username and password that you have set previously.

4. Navigate to the wireless settings: The exact menu options and interface may vary depending on your router brand and model. Look for a section related to wireless or Wi-Fi settings. Within this section, you should find the SSID (Wi-Fi username) and the network security settings where the Wi-Fi password is located.

5. Retrieve the Wi-Fi credentials: Take note of the SSID and the password displayed on the router settings page. The SSID is typically a recognizable name that you see when connecting to your Wi-Fi network. The password may be masked for security purposes, but there should be an option to reveal or copy it.

Note: If you have changed the default Wi-Fi username and password and have forgotten it, you may need to perform a factory reset on your Wi-Fi router. Refer to the router’s user manual or the manufacturer’s website for instructions specific to your model.

Remember that accessing and modifying router settings can have an impact on your network’s functionality if not done correctly. It’s recommended to proceed with caution or seek assistance if you are unsure about making changes to your router configuration.

How do I recover my Wi-Fi password on my iPhone?

Recovering a Wi-Fi password on an iPhone can be done in a few simple steps. Here’s how you can do it:

1. Open the Settings app on your iPhone.
2. Scroll down and tap on “Wi-Fi”.
3. Make sure that your Wi-Fi is turned on and that you are connected to the network whose password you want to recover.
4. Tap on the (i) icon next to the Wi-Fi network name.
5. In the Wi-Fi settings page, tap on the “Forget This Network” option. This step is necessary to retrieve the password.
6. Once you’ve forgotten the network, go back to the Wi-Fi settings page and select the same network from the available networks.
7. You will be prompted to enter the Wi-Fi password.
8. If you have already shared the password with your iCloud Keychain or another Apple device linked to the same Apple ID, your iPhone may automatically retrieve the password. In that case, you won’t need to manually enter it.
9. If the password doesn’t autofill, tap on the “Password” field and your iPhone will display the password using dots.
10. To view the actual password, tap and hold on the dots, then select “Copy” when the option appears.
11. Now, you can open a text editor or a note-taking app and paste the copied password.
12. You have successfully retrieved your Wi-Fi password.

By following these steps, you should be able to recover your Wi-Fi password on your iPhone.

Can you check the Wi-Fi password on iPhone?

Yes, you can check the Wi-Fi password on an iPhone by following these steps:

1. Open the Settings app on your iPhone.
2. Scroll down and tap on Wi-Fi.
3. Make sure that Wi-Fi is turned on, and you are connected to a network.
4. Tap on the information icon (i) next to the network name you are connected to.
5. In the Wi-Fi network details page, you will see various information about the network. Look for the “Password” field, and the password will be displayed there.

Please note that you might need to enter your device passcode or authenticate with Touch ID/Face ID to view the Wi-Fi password for some networks.

It’s important to remember that accessing the Wi-Fi password on someone else’s network without their permission is considered unethical and potentially illegal. This capability is primarily intended for users to retrieve their own Wi-Fi passwords on their devices for troubleshooting or connecting other devices.

How do I change Wi-Fi password on Iphone?

Changing the Wi-Fi password on your iPhone is a straightforward process. Here are the steps you can follow:

1. Open the iPhone Settings app. You can find it on your home screen, typically represented by a gear icon.
2. Scroll down and tap on the “Wi-Fi” option.
3. On the Wi-Fi screen, you will see a list of available networks. Locate the Wi-Fi network for which you want to change the password and tap on the (i) icon next to it.
4. A new screen will appear with details about the selected Wi-Fi network. Tap on the “Forget This Network” option to remove the network from your iPhone.
5. Once you have forgotten the network, return to the main Wi-Fi screen by pressing the back button or tapping on Wi-Fi in the top left corner.
6. Find the Wi-Fi network again in the list and select it to reconnect.
7. When prompted, enter the new Wi-Fi password for the network and tap “Join” or “Connect” to establish the connection.

By following these steps, you will have successfully changed the Wi-Fi password on your iPhone.

Do I need to change my Wi-Fi password?

As a tech blogger, I’ll answer your question regarding the need to change your Wi-Fi password without referring to myself as an technical blogger.

Changing your Wi-Fi password periodically is a recommended security practice to prevent unauthorized access to your network. Here are a few factors to consider when deciding whether or not to change your Wi-Fi password:

1. Time since the last password change: If it has been a considerable amount of time since you last changed your password, it’s generally a good idea to update it. The frequency of password changes varies depending on personal preference, but a recommended guideline is every 3 to 6 months.

2. Security concerns: If there has been a security breach or you suspect that someone unauthorized has gained access to your Wi-Fi network, changing the password immediately is crucial. It helps to ensure that any unauthorized individuals are no longer able to connect.

3. Sharing Wi-Fi password: If you previously shared your Wi-Fi password with someone who you no longer want to have access, or if a guest had access, it’s advisable to update your password to prevent them from connecting in the future.

4. Strength of the existing password: If your current Wi-Fi password is weak, easily guessable, or doesn’t meet the recommended security standards, it’s a good idea to change it. A strong password should be complex, consisting of a combination of uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and special characters.

5. Remote access: If you have enabled remote access to your router’s settings or have configured remote control features, regularly changing the Wi-Fi password adds an extra layer of security to protect against potential unauthorized control of your network.

6. Firmware updates: When you update your router’s firmware, it’s also a good opportunity to change your Wi-Fi password. This ensures that any security vulnerabilities addressed in the firmware update are complemented by a new and robust password.

Considering these factors, you can evaluate whether it’s necessary and advisable to change your Wi-Fi password. Remember, maintaining strong security practices is essential in protecting your network and connected devices from unauthorized access.